This custom Jacksonville Skyline from the Freedom Fountain View makes a great looking license plate for your bicycle, segway, golf cart and more. Show your city pride and personalize one of these plates with your social media handle, name, website and more. Only in Duval can you boast such a great plate!
Available on all 6 custom sizes of license plates as well as a matching key chain, you can personalize with your text to make this personally yours. The font used on this plate is not one of the choices in the drop down so if you like it, just request "As Sample"
Use the form to choose your size, color and font and tell us what name or custom text you want along with font and color of text.
Jax Freedome Fountain License Plate sizes
mini bike plates at 2" x 4" ✶ 2.25" x 4** ✶ or 2.5" x 4
standard size bike plates - 3" x 6"
ATV and motorcycle plates - 4" x 7"
car tags - 6" x 12"
All plates are made in the U.S.A. from quality rust free aluminum and are printed perfectly flat. They ship with 2 zip ties for application. Check out our Accessories page for: | ||
Estimated production is 2 - 4 business days